So I am kinda late and then not so late with this update - it's a two-part update.
Monday (12w3d) --- I had my NT (nuchal translucency) scan. My ultrasound tech was fabulous - she was very detailed with everything she was measuring, looking at, etc. The baby looked great.
Her heartbeat was 169bpm (side note: I still don't know the gender but I truly believe we are having a baby girl, so I will be using the female pronoun from here out). She was a very docile little one, as was her brother. I apparently have a nice, cozy, calm womb that makes my children not want to be active when they need to be. She was in a perfect position for viewing the nuchal fold (an area of space in the fetal neck)... only problem was that she was laying on the amnion (the inner membrane that contains the amniotic fluid and fetus) that they needed to measure. The tech shook my belly quite a bit in an effort to get little missy moving... she would quickly roll in one direction and then right back into her original position. Eventually, they were able to get the measurements they needed. Dr. Robichaux came in and scanned me as well. He said that so far everything looks great with the baby in regards to her physical development. I scheduled my follow-up appointment for sometime in July around 16 weeks ( I can't remember when and I didn't put it into my Blackberry
pregnancy brain strikes again).
Next update...
just a quick reminder, this is my blog and I have no problem sharing every detail of my pregnancy...Thursday (12w5d) --- yesterday, I went to the bathroom and like always, I checked the toilet paper to see what my lovely body was up to (I've have pink/brown spotting this entire pregnancy). Imagine the {insert your choice: fear, shock , horror} I was in when I looked down and the entire piece of toilet paper was covered in bright red blood with some clots. I
had a heart attack and stroke all at once had a mini freak out session in my head while I frantically called Daddy, my mom and older sister... of course, no one answered. I finally got in touch with Daddy, broke down sobbing on the phone with him and he said he was leaving work immediately. Upon hanging up with him, my sister called me and suggested that I head into Ochsner. I called Daddy back to tell him to sit tight. I think I did about 90mph the whole way in - I stopped by his work, picked him up and headed straight to L & D. I finally got in touch with mom and broke down on the phone with her as well. She left where she was and headed to Ochsner as well. So with the group in tow (myself, Daddy, B, mom, and my sisters), I sat and patiently waited in the L & D Assessment Center. I had a wonderful nurse. She got out the doppler to listen for Lovie's heart beat and we found it immediately (phew, once less worry)... beating away at 172-173bpm.
The resident, Dr. Cora, came in to see me as well. She did a quick scan. Lovie was playing away and could have cared less about me bleeding (thank goodness). After carefully looking at my placenta, Dr. Cora noticed two things. (1) I have a subchorionic hematoma (basically a blood clot) that is posterior to the placenta - the responsible party for my mini freak out session and bleeding; and (2)She noticed an area near my placenta that either looks like a fibroid or the placenta formed oddly in that area. She placed me on pelvic rest and told me to take it very easy. I was happy and thankful that nothing is seriously wrong with me or Lovie.
I called my nurse on the way home and left a message detailing my fun evening. I am waiting to hear back from them this morning as to what I need to do. And for now, that is it... I will update later if anything changes.
Oh and at some point I will add the pictures from Monday's ultrasound!