Wednesday, May 6, 2009

B Update

So as you can see from picture post, B is growing in leaps and bounds. He is the sweetest little boy and he loves his mommy SO much. He has quite a bit of separation anxiety. He is VERY mobile. He goes from army crawling to hands-knees crawling to thrusting his body forward while on his hands and knees! He can get into a sitting position on his own. He pushes up on his feet and hands and looks as though he wants to stand up but he either doesn't have the strength to pull his upper body up or he is just frightened. He loves to kick his feet out of pure joy/excitement/happiness. Oh, he also loves to scream/shriek for the same reasons! He is still in love with his feet. He is constantly playing with them or propping them up on something (this very much reminds me of my niece C). He LOVES our 4 furbabies - he gets beyond excited when he sees them and even moreso when they give him attention. He eats very well - we have moved on from purees to various finger foods. He self-feeds pretty well. My baby is still toothless - for weeks he has had a very swollen spot where his lower left central incisor will eventually erupt. That's about all I have time for at the moment because B is at my feet begging for my attention!

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