Saturday, September 24, 2011

Pertussis, Maybe?

The last 36ish hours have been strange. It all started off after Brice's shot yesterday. He didn't walk from the moment he got it until 24ish hours later (that would be today) in the ER... to fill in those hours, here is a brief synopsis. Brice gets a shot --- I assumed it was antibiotics --- Brice asked me to carry him because he hurt --- we went home --- Brice and I went to the pharmacy to pick up the boys antibiotics --- Brice peed on himself in the car --- we snuggle on the couch --- Brice pees on both of us --- we go to bed --- Brice wakes up screaming/crying that he is peeing... he wasn't so I raced him to the bathroom --- Brice wakes up this morning and wants to be held because he is still hurting --- Brice spend his morning on the couch... not moving... asking for help to sit up --- we get Brice dressed so go visit G's dad and then my mom --- Brice pees on the couch (yay for leather) --- I send an SOS to other moms on FB --- I call our immunologist and she recommends taking him into the ER for a chest x-ray, scans and bloodwork --- we go to Children's, get triaged (Brice FINALLY WALKS after they made me leave the triage room) and wait in the super packed waiting room --- I page our immunologist (because she is awesome like that and gave me her pager #) --- I tell her it's packed and she said she was happy to hear that he walked --- I explained that I was okay with leaving but his cough was changing (yet again) but becoming less frequent (!)... he gets into these coughing fits where he is coughing so much that between coughs he makes this strange, almost exaggerated sound upon inspiration - it sounds like he is gasping for air --- she mentions the possibility of pertussis but I don't think much of it --- we all go to my mom's --- I run to the store and while I am sitting in Hobby Lobby's parking lot I decide to google pertussis sound clips --- sure enough, that is EXACTLY how my kiddo sounds --- I page her again --- we talk about pertussis at length --- basically, at this point there isn't much more that we can do but ride the wave --- we have him (and Pierce) on antibiotics --- it's more of a concern in kids younger than a year (but primarily younger than 6 months) and elderly that have waning immunity --- I am super concerned about other people we've been in contact with --- we will be taking him to the pediatrician on Monday to get swabbed and it takes about a week or so to get the results.

Okay - so a few other things - our immunologist's husband is a pediatrician (what an awesome team!). He is fairly certain that Brice received a shot of Decadron (steroids) versus antibiotics (Rocephin). He thinks that is what caused Brice to not want to walk - well the pain involved with the steroid shot. As for the incontinence, we are thinking that is somehow tied into the pain. He is back to using the toilet successfully and his temperament has changed, for the better, this evening. We are keeping everything crossed that he continues up this slope! If you don't mind, keep the kid in your prayers - specifically, that he does not have pertussis. Thanks!

Now I am off to finish watching LSU win - Geaux Tigers!

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