Wednesday, March 23, 2011

seriously kid... quit testing my heart

When Pierce was 8 weeks old and hospitalized (for pneumonia), he had a few "breath holding spells" where he would silently cry and turn bluish in the lips (particularly when he was in pain - like getting a new IV). Since then he has had them on and off. Recently, they seem to have become worse.

Since Friday (3/18) he has had 3 of them that have resulted in his lips turning completely blue with the rest of his face taking on a bluish-purple hue, going limp in my arms with his arms and legs sporadically twitching. On Friday, when it first happened at this degree, I laid him on his back on the couch and continually blew in his face while tapping his feet. He began breathing again but was extremely pale after the fact. It happened again on Sunday while my mother was watching him. And today, about 2 hours ago --- this morning's episode was a bit worse. He was sitting on the floor in the kitchen when it started. I glanced down at him because I heard his head hit the floor. He was laying on his stomach, with his arms and legs twitching, his body was stiff - almost seizure like. I picked him up, he was blue in his lips and he went limp - I blew fairly forcefully into his face and he gasped. He remained very pale for about an hour after.

I am not sure if I should be concerned. I don't know if this is standard for "breath holding spells." Could this be interrelated to the odd breathing noise he makes upon inspiration (a deep, sometimes raspy, noise - not high-pitched - some have described it as though he is gasping)?

He's had a normal echocardiogram. They were unable to complete the EKG because he wouldn't cooperate. And he's also had a normal EEG.

It's frightening as all hell to witness... and I am tired - physically and mentally.

I was up from 2:30-3:00am with Brice because his stomach was hurting. If only he wasn't so difficult in taking his medication (Carafate) - but truthfully, my MIL told me it's absolutely disgusting (she took it before) - so I was up rocking him, comforting him, telling him everything would be okay... and finally, it worked - he fell back to sleep. I should probably mention that he is having a tough time going down at night. He used to go to bed around 7pm and fall asleep by 7:30pm. Nowadays, we put him to bed around 7:30pm and he is wide awake (escaping from his room and all) until typically 10pm. Is this him just being a toddler? I don't know how to fix it.... any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry to hear about Pierce :( I don't have any advice/insight on the blue spells....we're always asked if Declan has them and fortunately he has not.

    As far as the sleeping with Brice, Nico is the same way (some nights) where he doesn't want to go down and we hear him playing in his rooms (all he has to play with are books and clothes). About 4-5 mos. ago we put our bedroom lock on his door (but we lock him in his room) otherwise he'll come out and want to play. This will obviously have to change once we get him nighttime potty trained, but it's worked for us. Hopefully his sleeping habits will get better soon!
