Tuesday, October 6, 2009


We received the results from B's bloodwork last Thursday.

Overall, his immune system appears to be functioning relatively okay {thank goodness}.

His blood titers for diptheria, tetanus and HIB came back normal.

His blood titer for pneumoccocal did not. She tested him for 14 different strains because she knew it would pick up the seven strains that Prevnar (PCV-7) innoculates against.

We have to do repeat bloodwork 26 days after he receives his Prevnar booster.

She also wants to check his CH50 level again - it came back either elevated or lowered (not sure which as they didn't specify, they just stated it was positive). She said that it could be a few things: (1) a false positive - if the blood is not almost immediately frozen, as it has to be sent to a specialist, it can come back with a false positive; or (2) if it's a true positive it could mean two things (a) nothing as long as everything else appears to be functioning properly or (b) an infection. If his CH50 level comes back positive again, she will do further testing to determine if there is a problem.

His daily breathing treatments really seem to be working. We have had about 2 weeks of no wheezing (which means I only have to do 1 breathing treatment a day - instead of every 8 hours... a nice break for me). We have also {knock on wood} had a nice long stretch of no illnesses, viruses, etc... about 5 weeks - the longest we've gone since he was 5 months old. It's been the most lovely break for me and B as well.

His reflux is starting back up. I spoke with his pediatrician at length last Thursday because it had seemed to disappear at 9 months. Here we are at 13 months and it's back. We reviewed his typical diet and nothing should be triggering it. She stated his reflux may have gone silent for those 4 months. We are being referred to a pediatric gastroenterologist - we have an appointment on October 12.

In other {non-medical} news, B cut his top two teeth on Sept 20 - you can barely see them, but we can feel them. He cut his lower right lateral on Sept 30. He is finally catching up on the tooth cutting train! He still isn't walking... what can I say, he comes from two very strong-willed people... it will be done on his terms - end of story! He definitely has the ability to walk - he cruises along furniture/walls, he pushes his walking toys throughout the house, and as of this past weekend, he has started standing unassisted for 5-15 second intervals (yay for progress). He is a lightening fast crawler. He LOVES to dance - if he hears music and he is standing, he will do the cutest little dance. If he is seated, he will clap his hands and move his body from side to side. He is just the cutest!!

As far as P goes, he is still just as active as ever. I am curious to know whether he is breech because I feel tons of activity in my pelvis and lots of jabs to both hip bones. I will be 7 months pregnant (28 weeks) on Friday. I see my OB next Wednesday - so I will have a better update for you then!

I think that's about it for now! Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers! Have a great day!

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