Monday, October 5, 2009

Heaven’s Newest Angel

My mom's absolute best friend, Sheryl, died this morning, October 5, at 3:45am. She fought a 20 year battle against breast cancer. My heart breaks for her family. She is survived my her husband, three beautiful daughters, two grandsons, one grand-daughter and another grand-daughter due in late January. Please pray for the family as they cope with their loss. Please pray that eventually peace will pass understanding for them.

I have always proudly worn a pink ribbon during the month of October. Each year I run the Race for the Cure in New Orleans in honor of Sheryl. This year, the race takes on a new meaning to me as I will be running in loving memory of Sheryl.

I ask you to find it in your heart to donate whatever you can to the Susan G. Komen foundation so that they can continue in their efforts of finding a cure for this horrible beast. I know that times are tough economically, so if you are not in a position to donate, I completely understand and instead, I ask for your prayers for everyone involved - survivors, angels, doctors, family, etc.

If you are in a position to donate, please do so HERE!!! (the actual link is:

Thank you again...

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