Saturday, August 6, 2011

I am in for it...

... why do you ask? Oh my boys are such a mess (figuratively and literally)... here are a few examples of words I've recently heard and actions I've recently witnessed:

(1) Brice wanted to go play in his room... of course, little brother wanted to do the same... Brice wanted nothing to do with that ---
Brice: You can't play in my room. Get out.
Pierce: starts crying
Mommy: Brice that isn't very nice.
Brice: attempting to close his door NO mom! Don't talk to me!
Mommy: Are you almost 3 or 16 and wait, don't you have a penis? I thought only girls were mouthy like this Brice if you can't speak nicely to mommy or share, you're going to sir in time-out until you're ready to do both
Brice: NO mom! I don't want to share! I don't want Pierce in my room! Stop talking to me.
Pierce: continues crying
Mommy: Brice, it's time to go sit in time-out...
Brice: Noooooo mom, I'm going to share and be nice. I don't want to sit in time-out.
Mommy: I am glad you want to share and be nice but you still have to go to time-out
Brice: crying and reluctantly walking to time-out
Pierce: tears stop, walks into Brice's room and happily plays

(2) I put Pierce down for his nap shortly before George came home for lunch. We could hear Pierce talking (loudly) and playing. I asked George to put Brice down for his nap while I checked on Pierce. Upon opening his door, I found him standing on the edge of his bed, diaper-less, watching himself pee onto the floor. Seriously. [side-note: he's really moving towards wanting to potty-train; he has a horrific yeast-related diaper rash that had him in so much pain Thursday afternoon, he could barely walk. I put him in the tub for some relief but before I put him in, he peed in the toilet! He said pee-pee, put the toilet seat on the toilet, climbed on the step-stool, I sat him down and he PEED! I was SO excited!]

(3) Yesterday (Friday), I went into get him up from his nap and oh poop... there was poop EVERYwhere. He took his diaper off (duh) and pooped - either on the floor and transferred it to the bed or vice versa. I was so grossed out. He had it all over his legs, the sheet, his bed, blanket and pillow. I took his shirt off and put him in the tub... cleaned his room... and snuggled on the couch with him afterward. [side-note: I may or may not have taken a picture of said disaster... and I may or may not have sent it to my husband saying "why me?"]

I think I have provided enough evidence as to why I am in for it...

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