Tuesday, February 22, 2011


--- Big Man is still having stomach problems - we are waiting on one more piece of bloodwork (ova & parasite exam) but so far, everything has come back either within normal limits or negative. I am waiting to hear back from the GI to see if we're moving forward with the scopes... if so it will probably fall on my birthday (next Thursday)

--- Little Man is almost walking! He is taking lots and lots of unassisted, wobbly steps. He also has lots of words (10+)... although, his physical development has taken the driver seat right now! He says: up, down, mama, daddy, dog, duck, quack, moo, cow, out and much more! It's so strange to have a child with words at this age. Big Man didn't find his words until 22ish months!

--- Some big changes are possibly coming to our home... if and when they happen, I will {eventually} blog about it

--- 1 year ago yesterday started one of the worst weeks of my life... Little Man turned blue on us for the first time. A year ago today we were having the first of many swallow studies and GI appointments plus seeing a cardiologist. Saturday marks a year from when he was hospitalized. I can't believe it's already been one year. He has been through so much and is such a strong, sweet little boy.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to hear what the changes are that are coming.... :-)
